Me ha encantado el viaje, son preciosas las tres ciudades, una pasada! comienzo con Praga, una ciudad encantadora y con mucho ambiente. Iré poniendo más fotos cuando mi conexión vuelva en sí. 1besazo!!
Hi, I'm back!! ^^ I couldn't post before because my conexion has been broken during 4 days (now I'm connected by WiFi)...
I've loved every city we've visited, they were really really beautiful! This post is dedicated to Prague, a charming city with an interesting night life. I'll be posting more pics when I get back my conexion.
My favourit pic:
Yummy!! :P
With my dad =)
With Arantza!
The river
An artistic picture...
A pair of funny guys xD
Love old cars!!
An original church!
This place reminds me of Cinderella Story or sth like that :D
OoOoOohhhhh!! *.*
Funny bike xD
A charming place
At night :)
Espero q os hayan gustado las fotos y os hayan animado a visitar esta ciudad tan bonita en algún momento de vuestras vidas!!
Hope you like the pics! you should visit this beautiful city sometime in your life!